Tuesday, August 9, 2011

History Edditing Videos

At lumiere began filming, editing has not been part of the process pembuatanfilm. Because at that moment lumiere films consist of only one shot (single shot) with a long duration equal to actual events (real time). No manipulasiwaktu.Melies was the first to make the film through the editing process. Editing is done is still very simple. His first film depicting the journey orangke moon (a trip to the moon) just uses continuity editing to tell (cutting to continuity). Méliès editing to connect tiap2 hanyaterdiri scene from one shot for each scene (shot sequence).
Le Voyage Dans la Lune ± A Trip to the Moon (1902)
From here we can conclude that editing occur when there is a process of cutting of many shot.Seiring with the changing times, editing is also changing. A movie not lagiterdiri than one shot for each scene. We also know the type shot.Sehingga then editing plays a fairly important in making a film.Dengan of editing, we finally recognize the existence of film time, time that happened in film.Editing can manipulate time in the film. So that time is created bisamenjadi shorter, or even otherwise become slower. For example, sebuahkejadian 10 years can be told in just 10 minutes. Likewise, the time hanya10 minutes, to tell the first stages of editing jam.Meskipun done by editors and done after the process pengambilangambar, thought editing (editorial thinking) has to be done by all the creative team jauhsebelum shooting began. So when it was entered into the table editingmenjadi material ready for editing.

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